A little about us...

Hi, we’re Patrick and Brooke Fry, a budding husband and wife photography team based in Jacksonville, FL. We love travelling, classic movies, hot chocolate, good music, date nights, the Kentucky Derby and our adorable son, Jackson. We love being creative and are available for engagement, maternity, family and newborn portrait sessions and anything else that peaks our interest. Right now, this is just fun - who knows where it will lead. Thanks for visiting, we hope you like what you see. For more information and prices, contact us at fryphotography@ymail.com We can't wait to meet you!


All about Jackson

So it has been a while since I've been able to post, but that doesn't mean that I haven't been snapping away, at my favorite subject: Jackson. In September 2008 the stork brought us our very own baby boy. Happy and healthy, Jackson has made our lives an even bigger adventure. Luckily he appreciates the camera and allows Dad to play around with camera settings to get the shots below. The gift cards I got for Christmas added up to enough for a new lens! It isn't L-glass, but my new 50mm f1.8 prime is a lot of fun. Most of these are from earlier this month with my new nifty(or shifty)-fifty. In the spirit of previous posts, look for a Jackson retrospective soon. Enjoy!


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