A little about us...

Hi, we’re Patrick and Brooke Fry, a budding husband and wife photography team based in Jacksonville, FL. We love travelling, classic movies, hot chocolate, good music, date nights, the Kentucky Derby and our adorable son, Jackson. We love being creative and are available for engagement, maternity, family and newborn portrait sessions and anything else that peaks our interest. Right now, this is just fun - who knows where it will lead. Thanks for visiting, we hope you like what you see. For more information and prices, contact us at fryphotography@ymail.com We can't wait to meet you!


Retrospective Part 3: Across the Pond

For part 3 of our journey down memory lane we're hopping across the pond to London and Paris. After our wedding, almost two years ago now, Brooke and I (and Scott and Kristina) took what will hopefully be our first of many trips overseas. March is still a little cold over there and the weather changed quickly throughout the day. I tried to get these shots in chronological order and some that have overcast skies followed by bright blue aren't necessarily from different days. In fact, all of the shots from Paris were taken on the same day. These are a few of the several hundred images we racked up along the way.



Patrick and Brooke January 7, 2009 at 2:52 PM  

You are an awesome photographer. I love you!

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